Oops! Apparently I've accidentally deleted all of my images. I'll see about fixing that soon.

Friday, March 2, 2012

S7236 Finished

Today amid a torrent of rain and hail (ok, a very very brief torrent) I finished the Simplicity 7236 dress and managed to get a couple of decent pics of the finished product.

Armscye pinned to lining

As of this morning, the only thing left to do was hand stitch the armscyes, add a hook and eye to the top of the zipper opening, and give the whole thing a good steam and press.

Armscye done ^_^

My original plan had been to add a peter pan collar and some puffy sleeves to the dress, which i still might, similar to the shirt I threw on underneath it for today's pics. 

But for today, it's wearable and I like how it turned out. :)

I love the effect the bias strips on the side give, but mostly I love how they make the dress more comfortable.

It's not terribly close-fitting. I could have brought it in much closer to the waist but I like the effect as is. And I think the shape stays pretty true to the pattern, which is unusual for me but something I thought I'd try with some of the older patterns in my stash.

I have a pretty big project that I'm working on next so if the next few posts are lackluster (or about food) that's why. Hope you'll hang on with me as I've got some fun ideas for the next few months.

Happy Friday!


  1. I saw the real thing on her. Looks good!!!

  2. This is beautiful, the bias strip is very cool, like the different pattern it creates.


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