Interested in seeing what interests and inspires me? Here are most of the blogs I follow:
(since Google Reader is going away, I'm now following over on Bloglovin & really like the setup there.)
(since Google Reader is going away, I'm now following over on Bloglovin & really like the setup there.)
- Atomic Mum
- Buttons and Bobbins
- Casey's Elegant Musings
- Cirque du Bebe
- Coletterie
- Creative Accomplishments
- Crikey Aphrodite!
- Darts and Pins (still hoping she'll post again)
- Erica Made It
- Farthingale's Corset Blog
- A Fashionable Stitch
- Gertie's New Blog for Better Sewing
- The Japanese Pattern Challenge
- Just Skirts and Dresses
- Keeps Me in Stitches
- Late Nights & Lockstitch
- Lazy Stitching
- Lladybird
- Lucky Lucille
- Made by 6 (in French, which i do not speak)
- The Mahogany Stylist
- Marmalade Kiss
- Merriment Design
- Miss Celie's Pants
- Miss P
- My Happy Sewing Place
- New Vintage Lady
- Noodlehead
- Pattern Junkie
- Pin Queen
- Punkin Patterns
- The Purl Bee
- Scruffy Badger Time
- Sew and So
- A Sewing Odyssey
- We Sew Retro (aka Sew Retro)
- Sew Vera Venus
- Smoking Needles
- Subversive Lesbian Anarchic Femme
- Tea Rose Home
- Tilly and the Buttons
- Uglycute Designs (hoping she comes back)
- Unsung Sewing Patterns
- Vala Sews
- When Needle Meets Thread
- Willow Homestead
wow that list is getting long.... do I have a sewing blog addiction problem?... :P
Inspiration/ Misc:
- Geek Crafts
- Pretty Strong
- Lost Hemisphere (no longer blogging)
- Librivox
- NASA Solar System Exploration
- CERN (twitter)
- The Turtle Hospital
- Feministing
- Girl Genius
- Hyperbole and a Half
- xkcd
- What if? (xkcd)
- Basic Instructions
- John Green (tumblr)
- The Lively Morgue (tumblr)
last updated April 2013