Oops! Apparently I've accidentally deleted all of my images. I'll see about fixing that soon.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Mulg Submitted

Well, it's just after 2am here and I've finally finished and submitted my photos and writeup on Mulg to Captain Spud over at Lost Hemisphere. I'm glad to have it done, for a variety of reasons. Since it is done, though, I should be able to get a little bit more of a post up this week about putting that together. It's difficult to make sure you get some meaningful pics/ words without having duplicate information. After Spud posts it, I have a post mostly ready to share details of the finished project with you. So exciting! Or as exciting as 2:30am gets around here! lol I'm very tired...

Hope you're having a lovely weekend.

Thursday, April 26, 2012


Wait, what?

You heard me: Mullet... Hem. 

this dress says... 
"hi, i'm wearing a poorly fitted potato sack
with an uneven & unflattering hemline"

And hammer pants.

no, Hammer's pants were way cooler than this horribleness

Vogue has really been outdoing itself the last couple of seasons of new pattern releases. This season is no exception.  

Since I lack the time and energy to rail on the hideousness that they are foisting upon the sewing world, and, more importantly, because Lladybird has already said it better, please step over to her blog and bask in the horrid stylings, odd fabric pairings, and just plain strange patterns that are the latest Vogue masterpieces.


Here's to another busy week. Hope yours is going well.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Making Mulg: Part I

A while back I mentioned that I was working on a project for that fun bunch over at Lost Hemisphere called the Make Something Amazing Challenge.  

As I mentioned before, I'm making Mulg the Ancient. He's a troll, but he's also kind of a mountain, and you don't want to get on his bad side. lol

So last time I had just started playing around with the sculpey, getting the feel of it, testing it out.  Since then I've sculpted, re-sculpted, repaired, and begun painting this guy.  I've actually taken pretty extensive photos of the whole process, but you'll have to wait till they get posted over at the LH blog before I show them all off over here.

However, one of the days when I needed a break from working on Mulg I decided to do a baby Mulg to go with my husband's whelps he is making for the contest.

Here he is getting ready to go into the oven

Monday, April 16, 2012

Under the Weather

Besides being swamped under the current barrage of sewing, painting, and miscellaneous projects I seem to have picked up whatever bug is going around. 

Because I think I'm funny. Also bc it rained last night.

Unfortunately for you that probably means another sewing post-less week here at SWD.

Hope it's a good week for you, and I'll try to get something together for you as soon as I can!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Happy Passover!

Just a quick note to wish everyone a 

Happy Passover

or if you prefer
Happy Easter

or if you prefer
Happy Friday.

Which ever it is for you, make it a good one and take the time to tell your family and friends that you love them.